Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Weekly "crappy" Poem: Going to Church pt. 1

"what is the definition"
"how do you define"
"what should we be defined"
"who should define"
"are we defined by"
"do we define
Please tell me what to do,
please set up parameters
please please please
be polite and don't say a word
children listen, listen,
Who you are and
who you should be
are not the same.
no no no no no no no no
Tell me what you think,
show me what you think.
Please re-emphasize
that thought,
that lack of thought,
don't ask don't ask don't ask don't ask
and I won't tell
because I don't know
I don't know
I don't know,
but let me say,
I do know. I definitely
There are definite
answers, I know.
I know
if I don't know,
we might know
we'll know sometime,
sometime, sometime
eternally we'll know
if we never know,
it's okay, be
with awe and wonder.
be filled
with fear
and awe.
But not too much
because we know
we have answers
we have definitions
any protests
are untrue.

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