Friday, November 2, 2012

My Incredibly Important American Identity (a "poem")

((WARNING: This might be  is a load of sh-t.))

I learned to hate the president
when he was going out of office,
about a year before the next one was

I learned to feel entitled
as a child of a generation,
to my voice shouting louder than
my "elders"
because it was my voice and
it "needed to be heard".

I learned so very recently,
it is my flag-given,
American right
to slack off in the face
of my two hard-working
the right to demand
respect without
ever earning it.

I learned the life of
"first-world problems"
and how not to care
when I'm eating/wearing/benefiting
from the slavery of my fellow
human beings
on the same planet.

I learned to blame
the place I've been raised in
the things the TV taught me.
I learned how to abuse my freedoms,
at an early age,
and how to manipulate,
how to compete,
to obtain what I wanted.
I learned how to get dolls
and chocolate,
and now, I know
how to obtain green rectangles
made in mints at the center of the universe.

Oh, I've learned to scorn,
I've learned to picket,
I've learned how to argue
using glimmering fallacies.
I've learned to blame
and blame and blame.
I've learned to bow to hierarchy,
I've learned how to conform
to expectations of society.

I've learned to live with irreconcilable
Where I say and internalize
what is said,
but by example,
do not follow in action.
"Give me your tired, give me your poor,"
kick the 47% and every other
human fighting to be free
back through the border door.

I've learned to embrace my privileges
and milk them for all their worth.
I've learned to say,
What's mine is mine,
and how to withhold from everyone else,
because what belongs to me,
by inheritance or work,
belongs to me
and I will not share,
I learned that when I was two.
No matter how much it'll help you,
those things are mine alone.

Oh, I learned hypocrisy
from the lowest age.
And I learned that the country I was born in,
is a planet all its own;
the rest of earth is just a moon,
encircling this place.
I learned that I am also
a planet
and everyone around me
and revolve
and revolve.